Google Workspace

Developed by CI-Hub

Google Workspace is a cloud-based suite of productivity and collaboration tools designed for businesses and organizations. It offers a comprehensive set of applications including email, document creation, spreadsheets, presentations, cloud storage, video conferencing, and more. With a strong focus on real-time collaboration and accessibility, Google Workspace empowers teams to work efficiently and effectively from anywhere.

The CI-Hub connector for Google Workspace with Bynder bridges the gap between content creation and asset management. It enables users to seamlessly access and incorporate brand-approved assets directly within Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. By integrating with Bynder's digital asset management system, this connector streamlines workflows, ensures brand consistency, and improves efficiency. Teams can effortlessly search, select, and insert high-quality images, logos, and other media into their documents without leaving the Google Workspace environment.


  • Increased Productivity
    Streamlined asset access and insertion boosts content creation efficiency.
  • Enhanced Brand Consistency
    Ensures all company materials align with brand guidelines by using approved assets.
  • Cost Reduction
    Reduces time spent searching for assets and purchasing stock images.
  • Improved Collaboration
    Facilitates teamwork by sharing assets and documents within a centralized platform.
  • Accelerated Time-to-Market
    Produce marketing materials and internal documents faster.


  • Direct Asset Access
    Easily search and insert brand-approved assets directly into Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides.
  • Real-time Synchronization
    Ensures assets are always up-to-date and consistent across all documents.
  • Metadata Integration
    View and utilize asset metadata within Google Workspace for efficient search and selection.
  • Brand Consistency
    Guarantees adherence to brand guidelines by using only approved assets.
  • Enhanced Collaboration
    Facilitate teamwork by sharing assets and documents within Google Workspace.



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