
Developed by Showpad

Showpad is a comprehensive revenue enablement technology that provides every customer-facing team with the required skills, knowledge, content and tools to have differentiating, impactful conversations with buyers and customers. Everything your teams need to be successful before and during the time they sit down with a prospect, to ensure every conversation adds value, provides insights and engages the buyer.

The Bynder Connector for Showpad’s Asset Connect lets your marketers instantly share content with your sales teams while keeping Bynder DAM as their single source of truth for content management. Content is automatically pushed to Showpad with appropriate permissions, optimized for web and mobile use, and tagged and tracked so you can see what sales teams use (or don’t use). With zero impact on how you already work with Bynder, Showpad instantly syncs content as soon as it’s ready, with all the meta tags attached to structure your content in Showpad automatically, so it’s ready for use when you are.


  • Keep Bynder DAM as a single source of truth of your content
  • Distribute your files securely via Showpad, so sales teams always use the latest, on-brand content
  • Automatically roll out any changes made in Bynder DAM into Showpad, so content is always up-to-date
  • Track what content you produce makes the most impact on closed deals so you can optimize and prioritize content creation
  • Find and present content in a secure, branded microsite, and surface the most effective content in any sales situation


  • Automatically sync content from Bynder to Showpad
  • Automatically apply appropriate permissions in Showpad
  • Automatically tag Showpad content with relevant information based on metadata in Bynder
  • Flexible and configurable for your specific Bynder and Showpad setup


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