WordPress for Content Workflow

Developed by Bynder

Supercharge your content creation process with the powerful combination of Content Workflow and Contentful. This integrated solution accelerates the delivery of on-brand, high-quality content by enabling the seamless publication of approved text content from Content Workflow and digital assets from your DAM directly to your channels through WordPress. By leveraging the concept of modular content, teams can map content types or components to their designated destinations and ensure it meets standards through a tailored approval process before publication, further driving efficiencies in their content operations.

Set up Template Mappings between existing templates in Content Workflow and posts and pages within WordPress, allows for seamless export and import of content. This operationalizes and automates the process of moving approved content from your DAM to your downstream workflows, accelerating the speed of content to market and letting you have full version control. 

By leveraging Template Mappings, users can easily push content from Content Workflow into WordPress, streamlining content management processes. The integration's content modeling feature ensures robust and efficient content management, facilitating seamless collaboration and content distribution.

This integration not only enhances efficiency but also offers flexibility for customization and variation by chunking content down into smaller pieces. By breaking content into smaller components, such as headlines or hero images, it becomes much easier to create variations swiftly and efficiently. This approach not only streamlines content creation and updates but also ensures consistency and coherence across all touchpoints. Additionally, it presents an opportunity for greater personalization, enabling the creation of optimal or personalized content for specific audiences and channels.

Overview Image


  • Streamlined Content Management
  • Efficiency in Publishing
  • Consistency in Branding
  • Enhanced Collaboration
  • Improved Asset Utilization


Template Mappings

    • Enable seamless content transfer between Content Workflow Templates and WordPress.
    • Ensure that the fields defined in your templates are accurately brought into WordPress, specifying how each field should be mapped during the content transfer process.This enables the scaling of content import by using a field mapping between models.

Advanced Custom Fields

    • Create field groups, which can be mapped from components and repeatable fields.
    • Advanced Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields PRO are supported
    • This functionality allows for flexible, repeatable, mapping between Content Workflow's components, and ACF Pro repeatable field groups
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