Vecteezy is the most affordable online stock photography marketplace in the industry. Users can access and license millions of high-quality photos, vector graphics, and stock footage from directly from artists. Basic features are free but include ads and limitations. Paying customers get advanced licensing and a more comprehensive selection of content.
If you don’t have visibility into all the creative assets your team is purchasing, it can lead to a variety of problems and slow your organization down.
With Vecteezy’s Bynder integration, your team can easily access all their purchased images and videos from Vecteezy in one central repository, making your workflows smoother and maximizing your content value.
Using this integration ensures that the content your team downloads from Vecteezy is in a centralized library, on brand, well organized, and fully legal. Preventing them from sourcing their own assets that aren't approved or properly licensed.
- Save time spent manually uploading stock images and video to multiple locations
- Control access and usage of stock images and video
- Easily search for purchased images in your asset library for reuse
- Manage all assets from one central place
- Available to Vecteezy users with an Enterprise account
- All asset types are supported
- One-click exporting from Vecteezy to Bynder
- Supports all Bynder metadata field types
- License information is synced
- Vecteezy ID is set as a tag and searchable

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